ICT, the distribution of teachers, size of locality, technical facilities, academic mobility, level of education, constructivist teaching methods, educational environmentAbstract
The article deals with the study of the results of the All-Ukrainian Monitoring Survey of Secondary School Teachers and Principals (by the TALIS methodology) and their underlying causes. The research Is guided by the following questions: Does the size of locality influence the distribution of teachers? What prevents Ukrainian teachers from applying constructivist teaching methods? The author answers these questions after testing the following hypotheses: (1) There is a direct causal link between the indicators of the distribution of teachers by gender, age, level of education, experience and the size of a particular locality; (2) The development of a constructivist approach to learning and teaching, namely the use of ICT by students, depends on the school conditions and the level of teacher training (teacher education level, academic mobility, lack of computer facilities). The purpose of the study is to test the research hypotheses, through the results of the Ukrainian survey of teachers by the TALIS methodology, and to identify the main factors that influenced the obtained results. The research objectives are: to explore the dependence of the teacher distribution on the size of locality; to study the underlying causes of dependence; to analyze the obstacles of applying effective teaching methods in Ukraine; to formulate assumptions about the nature of these hindrances.
Through correlation analysis, the author explores links between the distribution of teachers by gender, age, level of education, experience and the size of a particular locality. The regression analysis enables to research the dependence of the application of ICT and constructivist approach on the academic mobility, teacher's level of education, lack of technical facilities and to design a formula to identify the level of use of e ffective teaching methods by an individual teacher.
Through the results of the Ukrainian survey of teachers by the TALIS methodology, the author managed to prove the hypothesis on a direct causal relationship between the distribution of teachers by sex, age, level of education, experience and the size of a particular locality. The most significant interdependence (coefficient – 0.99) was identified with an indicator that reflects the gender imbalances in the teaching profession primarily resulted from low prestige of this occupation and the population distribution by gender characterized by the predominance of women over men (53.7%).
The hypothesis on the dependence of the development of a constructivist approach to learning and teaching, namely the use of ICT by students, on the school conditions and the level of teacher training (teacher education level, academic mobility, lack of computer facilities) was only partially proved, since, due to the low level of academic mobility, this indicator turned out to be insignificant for the Ukrainian education system.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kateryna Ivanishchenko

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